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How to pay using Gcash?


1. Open Gcash app to your android or IOS device.

2. Click Pay QR on your Gcash app

3. At the Pay QR/Barcode select the scan QR code and scan the image shown

4. after payment successful, you will receive the confirmation details and the reference number. Screenshot the confirmation and send thru Facebook page at Handle Your Salon Solution



Another way to pay:

1. Open Gcash app to your android or IOS device.

2. Select Send money button, then click Express Send.

3. Enter this number 0939-919-9887, then amount you transacted then the optional message will be the order number and click confirm.



ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0939-919-9887


Note: We can process with your order after we received your text message. Maximum waiting time will be 24 to 48 hrs. After we can't get your confirmation message, your order will be remove.


Payment Gcash

Pay Using BDO



Find the nearest BDO bank

Fill out the Deposit form and input the following details:

Account Name: Handle Enterprise Corp.

Account Number: 00622-802-7042

Amount to be paid:


After the process is complete scan or take picture of your transaction form and sent at Facebook page at Handle Your Salon Solution


Note: We can process with your order after we received your message. Maximum waiting time will be 48 hrs. After we can't get your message, your order will unfulfilled.


Payment BDO
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